For most ranchers, calving season is well underway, meaning branding and processing day are almost upon us. For many, this time holds long-standing family and community traditions and is a tangible reminder that your ranch has grown another year. But, that’s not to say that this day can’t be stressful for humans and livestock alike. In this post, we’ll go over 5 tips from Redd Summit on best management practices that will help make branding and processing this year’s calf crop run smoothly.
1. Establish a Veterinary Client Patient Relationship (VCPR)
Your veterinarian can be a great resource when establishing vaccine and other animal health protocols for your calf crop. Establishing a VCPR with your vet means that they should get familiar with your cattle and any present health challenges that exist with the same management. You should make them aware of your herd’s current health status, any previous health challenges, environmental constraints, and your goals for your vaccination protocol. Building a VCPR with your vet ensures that any issues regarding the health of your livestock are addressed as quickly as possible.
2. Review Low-Stress Handling Practices
Research has shown that the stress calves experience during processing is more correlated to their separation from the dam than actual processing protocols. Efficient low-stress handling can help get these calves back to their dams quicker, and consequently, reduce the amount of stress that they’ll endure throughout the day. Before processing, it’s a good idea to meet with your staff (or otherwise willing helpers) to go over your expectations for handling, how cattle will flow, and the steps of sorting and gathering once processing is complete.
3. Understand How to Handle Animal Health Products
Correct handling of animal health products can not only help processing day run smoothly but also avoid rendering products ineffective. Ensure that you and your staff understand product directions surrounding storage, handling, and administration. For instance, live vaccines typically have a short injection window once mixed, so it’s crucial to know exactly how long this window is before you start injecting cattle. Also, remember to label your syringes, change your needle each time the syringe is refilled, and always administer according to label instructions.
4. Review Your Branding Protocol
In order for brands to be effective at identifying cattle, they have to be done correctly. Before processing day, review your branding protocol with anyone who will be overseeing its placement, to ensure that they know the ins and outs of the procedure and how to spot any complications. Go over how long to hold the brand on, how much pressure to use, and how to determine if the branding iron is too hot or not hot enough.
5. Communicate
Communication is key! Branding and processing can be stressful for anyone involved, which is why it’s important for all individuals involved to communicate effectively with one another. Make everyone aware of their roles and responsibilities and ensure that they know the order of operations.
Overall, branding and processing your new calf crop is exciting! And, it’s important to not let any temporary stressor of the day overshadow that. Relish the traditions and camaraderie that accompany this otherwise tedious undertaking, and remember that with good preparation and good management practices, you can minimize stress for both the humans and the animals involved in processing day. For more information on livestock or risk management and educational resources about agricultural insurance products, visit and subscribe to the Redd Summit blog.