pasture fire insurance
how does Pasture Fire Insurance work?
Pasture Fire Insurance is a private policy designed to protect your perennial pasture, rangeland, or forage (PRF) used to feed livestock. This coverage ensures that your investment is safeguarded against the financial impacts of unexpected fires, allowing you to focus on your ranching operations with peace of mind.
What is covered
Perennial Pasture, Rangeland, or Forage (PRF) used to feed livestock
The insured must have a documented insurable interest in the PRF ground.
Fire from a direct result of lightning
Fires caused by equipment or machinery
Fires resulting from weather-related downed powerlines
What is not covered
Losses occurring before the effective date
Losses arising from infidelity or dishonesty
Losses due to failure to follow good farming practices
Negligence in using all reasonable means necessary to prevent the loss
Intentional arson or fire or vandalism

When a fire occurs
Any loss due to a fire must be reported to us within 5 days from the date of damage. Then, an adjuster will be sent to assess the damage.
This policy is available in the following states:
Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, North Dakota, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, Texas, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming.

Pasture fire insurance FAQs
Answers to your Pasture Fire questions.
- Premiums are based on the rate per $100 of liability.
- The minimum annual premium is $100.
- Premium is due at the time of application submission.
- No refunds are available upon cancellation or reduction of this policy at the request of the insured.
- Rates vary by county.
Acreage Information: All acreage to be insured in the county where you have a share must be listed. Note, you don’t have to insure all the acreage you have in that county for Pasture Fire.
Share Information: Your leased or owned portion of the land, when the insurance attaches, must be specified.
Note: Applications must be submitted each year and can be purchased at any time. Applicants do not need to have a Pasture, Rangeland, and Forage (PRF) Insurance policy to apply.
The insurance period is the later of: January 1st of the year you want insurance to December 31st OR 72 hours after receiving your signed application to December 31st.
- All losses are subject to a $100 deductible.
- Indemnity Calculation: Multiply the number of acres destroyed by the insurance per acre (IPA) shown on the Statement of Insurance (SOI), then subtract the $100 deductible. Once a determination is made, a payment will be issued within 30 days.
- A fire department service charge of $500 may be included.
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